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Born in Freiburg, Germany, my life had been designed to be more structured, but the little girl I was, wanted to be a gipsy. My most inspiring dreams featured the nomadic life of the circus, gipsy princesses and flamenco dancers. At a slightly more mature age they involved fashion, glamour and having the possibility to live in many different places. I was a quiet girl from the outside and a restless one on the inside.

After high school I took up residence in Hamburg to study Fashion Design and settle into adult life. Soon the nomadic soul took over to lead me on a path to find my roots, which would finally give some rest. But as much as I want to settle down with one form of expression, a small range of materials, one place to stay, life is always changing and so am I. Or is it the other way round?  The things, which have stayed close to me since the beginning, are the need to explore and create and staying open to new experiences.  Lately I come to acknowledge, that there will be no end; life is too rich.

There is a red thread though weaving through all the experiences – beauty, care, emotion, wonder, the everyday life, trying to make sense.

Working with textile is bringing me back to my earlier roots in fashion. Using thread instead of pencil keeps my critical mind in check and I can be more intuitive. Sometimes I just want to convey beauty, other times deeper experiences and emotions are impressing themselves on the fabric. For me both are healing.

I welcome collaborations with designers, decorators and private customers to bring out the particular expression and emotion clients are looking for. For any inquiry, don’t hesitate to contact me at ahm@annettemann-art.com